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Mount Olivet Lodge 704

Mt. Olivet Lodge #704 was constituted June 11, 1920, A.L. 5920 when Grand Lodge opened in ample form at 5 o’clock 42 minutes P.M. when Grand Secretary John A. Perry read the Warrant granted by the R.W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for the constitution of Mount Olivet Lodge #704 to be held in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Brother Ralph R. Hutchinson was dully installed as Worshipful Master. R.W. Grand Master John S. Sill presided for the Special Communication along with all Grand Lodge Officers.

Since the opening of our doors in 1920, many men have served Mt. Olivet Lodge #704 in various forms. We invite good men to join our fraternity to better themselves and form fraternal solid bonds. It has always been the goal of the Lodge to encourage our Brethren to do good unto all, especially our Brethren in Free Masonry.


499 South 14th Avenue, Lebanon, PA, USA

Lodge 704 meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30PM
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